The Big Laramie River begins just south of the Wyoming/Colorado boarder in the Never Summer Mountains and is one of the main tributaries of the North Platte River. It is a true free stone river that has high demands for irrigation causing flows to fluctuate drastically. Fishing is best in the early spring and late fall. Try to avoid fishing wide flats and concentrate on riffles, deep holes, and undercut banks. You can expect to catch 10-16 inch wild browns but there are some fish in the Big Laramie that will go 10+ pounds. These large fish are concentrated in the pasturelands just west of Laramie, which are hard to access because of private ownership.
Additional Information
Access Points
River Flows
Fishing Report
Hatch Chart
Big Laramie River Access Points
1)Green Belt Access
The Green Belt Access is located in the middle of Laramie just east of I-80 at the Snowy Range Exit (exit #311). It contains wild brown trout 10-20 inches and has recently been stocked with catchable rainbows. The best fishing is right after runoff and in the fall. This section is a slow meandering river with deep runs and undercut banks, making great streamer and hopper fishing.
2)Monolith Ranch Access
The Monolith Ranch Access is located 6 miles west of Laramie on Wyoming State Highway 230. It is mainly flat slow water with a couple of deep runs. This section contains mainly browns ranging from 10-20 inches with a few rainbows.
3)Pioneer Canal Access
The Pioneer Canal Access is a short (approximately ½ mile) located 20 miles west of Laramie on Wyoming State Highway 230. This is a cottonwood-lined stretch with long deep runs, perfect for dry fly fishing. Early June through July is the best time to be on this section of river. It is a short walk from Wyoming State Highway 230 but it is well worth it.
4)The Jelm Access
The Jelm Access is the most scenic public stretch of the Big Laramie River. It is located 30 miles west of a Laramie off of Wyoming State Highway 230 then south on Wyoming State Highway 10 at Woods Landing. It flows through a small canyon with far more riffles and runs than in the pastureland closer to Laramie. Pocket water, undercut banks, and faster moving water characterize the Big Laramie. The best time to fish this section of the Laramie is from mid May through early July and again in the fall.
Big Laramie River Flows
Big Laramie at Woods Landing
Big Laramie below Pioneer Canal
Big Laramie at Pioneer Canal